-- Weapon Master's Guide -- Many weapons and armor exist throughout the land. There are two main weapons and two main types of armor that should be considered, as they are the most common. Broadsword: The broadsword is the fighter's weapon of choice. This long sword is quite heavy and thick, capable of delivering a healthy blow. It is a good all around weapon, and any serious fighter should keep one handy. Mace: Although there are many classes of mace, experience shows the famed double mace to be the most powerful. It can deliver a far more powerful blow than a sword, but is best used by a higher-level fighter to be effective. Wooden Shield: This all purpose shield is good at deflecting the average blow, but can weaken under repeated blows. It is also of only minor value when up against a powerful opponent like a cyclops or deamon. Metal Shield: The metal shield is similar in shape to a wooden one, but heavier,offering a much greater degree of protection. Keep one handy. Combination Shielding: It has long since been know that using a metal shield in combination with a wooden one is very effective in warding off all but the most powerful blows. A seasoned fighter always employs this method. Other weapons of magical nature are detailed in other tomes. END